Monday, September 10, 2007

TeachMeet and more

originally uploaded by Edublogger.
Can I start by saying I'm a bit miffed. I thoroughly enjoyed the TeachMeet at SETT last year and was looking forward to going to TeachMeet07 - 4th Edition this year. However, it clashes with the official opening of out new church halls, so I'm going to have to miss most of it! Scunner! I can stay until 6:30 and then I'll have to go (and even 6:30 is leaving it a bit late).

I'm also miffed that I'll miss the meal at Khublai Khans afterwards. The menu sounds fascinating. I think it is fairly safe to assume there's no other menu like it in Glasgow. (Fish dumplings, crocodile steaks, Mars Bar cheesecake...) Currently my plan is to text Ewan as soon as I can get away from the hall opening and see if it is worth dashing over for at least a look at the leftovers. I'm not sure if wi-fi is available at the restaurant this year but even if it isn't I'm sure someone will moblog on what the food is like as it's served. (If I were a gambling man, my money would be on Ewan to be the moblogger!)

I'm willing to spend a couple of hours travelling and risk the wrath of kith, kin and Kirk Session so I can catch as much as possible of the TeachMeet event. What lengths are you willing to go to to get there? :-)

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  1. Hi David,
    What lengths are you willing to go to to get there? Well it is my wedding anniversary and I do not even like crocodile;-)

  2. Afraid I'm not going to make it - I've gone and committed myself to a stay in the Borders beginning on that day. Sorry I'll miss catching up on all the buzz - even if I'm usually left miles behind ...

  3. I think John has set the benchmark rather high here. Gutted you can't make it - it won't be the same. Holograms are out of the question, then?

  4. 3 1/5 hours to get down on the wednesday after school, and then, if I cant get child care figured out for the Thursday, will need to be back up north for 8:20 on Thursday. The alternative would be to bring my 3 year old with me - Anyone up for a bit of baby sitting?

  5. Hello John

    You mean you've tried crocodile!?

    Hello Chris

    Sorry to hear that? WHo's going to keep Ewan in line now?

    Hello Ewan

    I'll be there for us much as I can. Are you bringing Catriona?

    Hello Struan

    Why not bring your daughter, we could set up a cyber creche for her and Catriona.
