Tuesday, October 01, 2013

iPad Sharing Practice - The Edinburgh Academy Junior School

Ben Dean and Rob Tyrell

Book Creator:
Book Creator was used to report to parents. Teacher created a book from a template for every pupil and took video (for example of pupil reading) and pictures of work (e.g. seeing writing develop). Used maximum of 30 seconds of video. Made notes on various aspects of the pupil work. On the targets page, the pupil could be videoed saying what they wanted to achieve. Parents can not only hear what the teacher thinks but can easily see and hear from their own child.

It did take more time to set this up and prepare for the parents' night but the teacher felt it was definitely worth it! All the notes and information in the one place.

Other developments:
They had someone from Cedar School speaking to the school. They are also making use of that style of reporting, for example, Cedar School sent out an end of year report to parents in a similar format.

School also set up Silver Surfer days to get grandparents up to speed on iPad use.


  1. That is a nice idea. It's great to see Book Creator used in creative ways!

  2. Thanks for the comment. And well done spotting and responding to a mention of your product!
