There are two things I particularly like about Quizlet. I like the potential for collaborative work. Pupils can create and share sets; they can work together on Quizlet Live and teachers can build on and work with other educators. I also like the diagrams feature; not something I've used with a class yet, but it looks particularly promising (examples on the Learning In Hand page cover Spanish, French, Geography...).
If you are unfamiliar with Quizlet, the website gives a quick introduction in the form of a Teacher FAQ. There are a set of useful links at the bottom of this post but for visual learners, here are a couple of videos:
1) Brief look at the iPad app - focus is on how pupils could use it to help them learn terms.
If you are unfamiliar with Quizlet, here is a slideshow that takes you through the basics:
Quizlet - other links:
- Quizlet - App from Apple Store
- Quizlet - Webpage
- Quizlet - Teacher Quick-start Guide
- Quizlet - Teacher resources and professional development
- Quizlet - Introduction to Quizlet Live
- WikiHow - How to join a class
- Campus Technology - Quizlet Learn
- Learning In Hand - Build labeling games with Quizlet Diagrams
(includes examples from a range of subjects including modern languages)
One stop shop: Diigo Quizlet bookmarks