However, as you can see from the screenshot above, it looks very child friendly and I can imagine all sorts of educational uses. For examnple, the family tree of the royal family, or the characters in a book. Also, it is available in a variety of languages so you could switch into French to do family relationships - "votre arbre généalogique" as the site says!
What I really like about it though is you can invite your family members to join and work on the tree with you. Now, if for "family", you substitute "class" you have the makings of a great collaborative project. By way of experiment, I started a tree for James I and VI (see the screenshot above). If you want to see it and help add more information/people, let me know and I'll invite you to join my family. :-)
Technorati Tags: family tree, genealogy, collaboration, DavidDMuir, EdCompBlog
David, thanks for this one!
I'm already thinking of uses for it thanks to your suggestions. It's the sort of tool that I would normally discount, I hadn't thought of applying it to literature... Clever!
nice idea - and a friendly screen. Of course, one of your characters should read "James VI and I ..."
Hello Mr W
There's certainly loads of fields in the it's our tree site where all sorts of biographical data on the book characters could be stored and I like the idea of different children working independently on different characters but all contributing to the same family tree. However, I don't know if the tree structure is always helpful - a more general online database might be better at times. For example, I recently read Crime and Punishment and found all the Russian names a bit of a struggle to keep up with and seriously considered noting them down along with their variations and relationships! However, for some stories, a family tree (or trees) could be useful. Let us know if you have a go at this.
Hello Ruby
You are quite right. Shame on me. I have now fixed it on the site.
Any thoughts on its value in language teaching?
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