Saturday, September 24, 2005

From keynote to e-note

I took this picture at SETT while waiting for a keynote address to begin.

This was going to be one of a number of postings from SETT via my mobile, but the best laid plans of mice and mobloggers...

I had three main problems.

Firstly I forgot to check the battery of my phone. All I managed was the photo you see above, the start of a text message to go with it... and then the battery died. So no other photos from SETT from me. :-(

Secondly, I thought I knew how to send to Blogger, but I had only ever sent to Flickr before (see what I sent - minus text). I thought I could send an MMS to Blogger, but it just got lost in the ether. On reading the help pages, it seems that Blogger only takes MMS from certain phone networks and mine isn't one of them. Scunner! However, I managed to send it from my phone as an email, but couldn't face re-entering the text (see problem three below). The other problem was that to get this entry displayed I had to access an email reply from Blogger. I forgot that I had linked my phone email to my home email account and ended up waiting ages while 27 messages were downloaded to my phone!

Thirdly, I boasted in a previous posting that I wasn't a digital native, but that I had dual citizenship. However, when it comes to SMS, I am a very slow one thumbed texter! Entering anything longer than a line is painful. I initially persevered, but when the MMS version failed to work, I could only face entering the one sentence version you see at the top of this post.

So, I reproduce below the line, the full message I originally entered.

I took this picture while waiting for a keynote address at SETT to begin. Guy Claxton was about to speak on Educating Powerful Learners. We were in the Clyde Auditorium and the last time I was there was to see B B King. The hall was just as full then, but this time I had a better seat! :-) Looking around I was surprised to discover a distinct lack of technology in the audience - everyone I could see was note taking with paper and pen. I decided therefore to take a picture of my old Palm and its new flexible keyboard. I like my Palm and the graffiti handwriting system works well, but it's hard to use for extended note taking. My accuracy definitely drops off after a few a few minutes writing. This conference is my first real test of the keyboard. If it goes well you'll see some Palm produced notes appearing in my blog over the next few days.

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Anonymous said...

Hi David,
I think we got some way to go in Scotland.
I was at the EuropeanSchools Project in Finland earlier this year. Everyone was using a digital camera or phone camera to photograph speakers and their slides.
The Europeans seemed much more switched on in that way, although almost no internet at the conference.
I fully intended to do so at SETT, but was to shy, when no one else was.
I managed to blog from the LTS area, where you could watch a speaker from behind a PC.
'Heather the Weather' asked for mobiles to be turned off in keynotes, not very 'digital native'.
How long before we have wireless in the halls and can blog all the events live?

Anonymous said...

I was also really narked by the request to turn off mobile phones, especially since I found myself sat next to the Chief Executive of the organisers during one of the seminars. I just left it on to record the seminar. And it worked really well.

The WiFi is an urgent request I'm going to make for next year. For a tech conference the internet facilities really let it down. I had to run to a dark windowless room (knock twice to enter) to get a hardwire link to the net. Not very digital native at all!

David said...

Hello John

I was impressed by your blog from the floor of SETT. The first time I saw somebody do this was on the teach42 blog (e.g. the Emerging Technologies Workshop post). It's one of the reasons I took my Palm and my new keyboard and my mobile... but of course it all fell apart because I forgot to charge the battery. :-(

I'll leave some comments on your blog soon.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat at SETT.

David said...

Hello Ewan

I must admit, when asked to turn of my mobile, I usually just turn it to silent mode. I wouldn't answer it, but I feel it's a bit daft paying for a mobile just so you can turn it off!

Andy Carvin was clearly unimpressed by the cost of the Wi-Fi access. It does seem a bit daft that Scotland's biggest learning technology festival can't provide easy, free (or at least cheap), wireless access for the people attending!

Anonymous said...

I've only now seen how you used this piece of tech. It's great. I want one. As the nights draw in I'm already thinking of my Christmas present list. Hopefully someone will find this comment through RSS, see I want a PALM with KEYBOARD and get me it in time for Crimbo.

Worth a try...

David said...

Ewan, you did say your mum read this blog, so just in case Santa's elves need a hint about where to get one of these keyboards, I'll say where I got mine. I got it from Morgan Computers for a very good price. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have any in stock just now, but if you keep checking the PDA section you might see it being offered again before Christmas.