Andrew suggested we should post what we are going to do at SETT... so here goes.
09:30 - Creating Communities Co-presenting this with Ewan McIntosh.
10:45 - Back to Jordanhill for lecture and tutorial
14:15 - Gutted that I'm missing David Weinberger's keynote! Tempted to watch it on video stream with students instead of doing tutorial. :-)
15:30 - Crowne Plaza Hotel to set up for TeachMeet.
16:00 - TeachMeet06
19:00 - The Goat for Grub and Gossip and wi-fi (couldn't think of another "G").
10:00 - Hoping to gatecrash Infants Can Communicate!
12:45 - Blog or not to Blog?
14:45 - The Powerful Effects of Teaching Thinking Explicitly as a Skill
At all other times I will be wandering around the exhibition, stealing pens and other freebies from the exhibitors, and having tea and buns with anyone that is willing to stop and chat with me.
Technorati Tags: SETT06, TeachMeet06, DavidDMuir, EdCompBlog
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How to Make Math ENGAGING
1 day ago
Does anyone know where to go to see the keynotes streamed. I saw David Weinberger keynote NECC a couple of years ago and I thought he "rocked" ;-)
Would love to peek in tomorrow!
David Warlick
Thanks Jeremy
My class should finish about 2:00 so although I don't have time to get back to the SECC, I hope to be able to watch the streamed video.
Hello David
There's no obvious link on the site just now, but hopefully it will become obvious where to go tomorrow when they start streaming stuff.
Scunner! Just got back and thought I'd be able to catch a bit of David Weinberger's keynote in my office but it was not to be! A notice on the SETT page says, "Unfortunately this afternoon's keynote will not be available 'live', but will be available as soon as possible after the event." Scunner! :-(
Hi David, I sat through Mr Peacock's speech to hear David Weinberger’s address. I've been a "fan" of his work since I read "Small Pieces Loosely Joined" 4 years ago. He introduced his current ideas that will be the basis of his next book, due for publishing 07. He made many insightful, humorous and intelligent remarks. He also managed to convince me that blogging is a worthwhile pursuit (I was very much in the "can't see the purpose" camp) although on occasions I still return there after seeing some of the dross people post.
How about geddy for the third G?
(In case you hadn't guessed, I've just found/subscribed to your blog... hence the sudden and late posts!)
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