I am pleased therefore to offer a (vaguely) legitimate excuse for hitting the keyboard. Thanks to the Gadget Show, I was directed to the Press The Spacebar 2000 game. It is a simple, but surprisingly addictive, game. The basic aim is to hit the spacebar as many times as possible in a given time limit.
My personal best is 41 times in 5 seconds.

Not brilliant but not bad. It reminds me a bit of the old Daley Thompson game on the ZX Spectrum where you had to batter away at a couple of keys to make Daley run...I wasn’t very good at that game either. :-)
Via Twitter Geoblogs said:
"http://twitpic.com/i6p4n - @DavidDMuir might I respectfully suggest that I whupped your ass ! ;)"
well described Sir. was looking for such a lucid explanation.
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