Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Scottish Learning Festival and TeachMeetSLF09

Over the last couple of days I have become aware of a flurry of online activity associated with the Scottish Learning Festival and TeachMeetSLF09.

The crowds gather
Originally uploaded by DavidDMuir
I was aware of the rapid approach of SLF but since my own talk is nowhere near ready, I've been feeling a bit concerned.

However, seeing some of the things taking shape has fired me up with a bit more enthusiasm. For example I love, SLFtalk, an audio blogging tool that John Johnson and David Noble have put together. (See John's post on SLFtalk.) Loads of good stuff happening, great people to meet and, of course, TeachEat.

Now, if only I can get my session together, I could really look forward to it.

1 comment:

Christine McIntosh said...

I'm feeling sad that I won't be around this year - primarily because as school gets further away I feel less involved. I see a lot of familiar names from my Twitter list to which I'd like to put faces!