How did people in current gaming industry get into games development? Many in the UK developed an interest because they were exposed to BBC Micro, Spectrum etc. They could hack about on these machines and this encouraged and inspired them to get into the industry. {How are children hacking the new technology available to them?}
How do we get children engaged with industry? Is one way to develop Freelance Apprenticeships? Or Golden Handcuffs - people get taken on and trained by a company and in return agrees to stay with that company for a set time. There is a need too for education to look at the courses that they teach.
Games are not the "root of all evil" but can make a huge contribution to learning across a range of disciplines. Digital inclusion and eAccessibility are important too.
Question Time
Q: Why is there no one from Department of Education here?
Probably "Cock up rather than conspiracy".
Q: Is exam system holding back innovation? How do we transform the assessment system?
Exam system can be more agile thanks to technology.
Q: Why was technology/computing not mentioned by Gove?
Ed said he would speak with him. :-)
Re the BBC Micro/Spectrum comment: it might also be worth remembering that in the 1980s you could create a genuinely market-leading commercial game on your own, or with a friend or two. These days you need a huge team, and some of the quirky personal touches have inevitably been lost.
It is important to choose right one since the first time. Thank you for the tips.
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